What Color is Character?

Character Vs Ability


This blog in no way is intended to be political in nature or reflect on any one person in leadership.  I am just putting some thoughts out there in the world I have been pondering regarding the importance of character/integrity vs. ability.


If asked which is more important I would have always said… character and integrity any day.  However, recently I found myself pondering this.  I have been reading “The 8th Habit” by Stephen Covey and he addresses this issue.  In one of the chapters he posed the question “who would you rather have working on you…. a mediocre surgeon who has character and is honest or the best surgeon who has poor character and is dishonest.”  Wow I had to think about this… which led me to think about a lot of things….


We like to think things are black and white and there definitely things that are.  Unfortunately the more you mull over a thought, the older you get and the more people you meet – you realize there is so much grey.  This frustrates me… I like the black and white.  It seems to make decisions easier.


Last night when our former President Bush gave his welcome speech in TX he said, “Popularity is fleeting, but character and integrity are our oaks….”  So I started thinking about this regarding our country.  Would I rather have a leader who can make me successful or one that has integrity… why can’t we have both?  I think we can and I think this what we are finally hungry for in America…. enough with the empty promises.  I think when it is all said and done I would still rather have character, honor and truthfulness.  What about you, I would love to hear your thoughts on my quandary….

8 Responses to “What Color is Character?”

  1. Chris Antoun Says:

    Great question Michelle! I would like both qualities, but I know that is not possible. I think there may be grey area in my answer. For me, it depends on the role that the person is in. I would rather have a dishonest surgeon with ability, but I would rather have an honest friend, without much ability. Either way, striving for both is a valuable personal goal.

  2. Olga Morse Says:

    The nature of politics requires truthfulness to take a back seat because it is all about the numbers; how many people could vote for me? So in order to keep many happy, it is necessary to stay in that middle area, not too transparent ,nor too honest.
    However, as individual business owners, we can perform at a higher level of integrity while knowing that what we need is a solid constituency to sponsor our business. So, yes, I think that even as we make mistakes in judgments, we can be honest and integral when providing services. That kind of reputation is Gold. In terms of ability; well if you don’t have it, then hire it.

  3. Barry Moore Says:

    Character vs. Ability? Integrity? All needed to live your life to the fullest. You may never be the fastest on the track team but you need all of the above. The key is ” Be The Best” If you do than you have done everything right. George W ? I beleive we owe the last 7 years of our life and safety to him and his staff. I beleive in a democracy we need to all follow the dream which is laid out in the Constitution. In buisness or life there are many that have just one or two of the 3 items you ask about. The only reason to not have all 3 is effort, laziness or greed. Hidden agendas are out there for many that just dont want to play by the rules. We are seeing everyday media spin doctors that make you to start doubting yourself. You become issolated here recently ( last 20 years) if you want to Be the Best. This means being honest and just working for everyones well being. That is what we have lived thru for the last 8 years. A group of people hated by those that want to steal freedom. We had 8 years of people giving their best. What did they get from their integrity? The ability to leave this world at some point knowing they did what they beleived was right. Not for their personal gains but for those young people that want to live in a democracy when they turn my age. Democracy is Character, Ability and integrity. Freedon, how long it took to get and how fast it can be gone. Time will tell just stay the course you know is right. That is have all 3 and from what i see in you and your business you have all of what you are pondering.

  4. susanmcginnis Says:

    Sometimes what appears to be strong character is rigidity or lack of development, and what looks like weakness is just honoring a different code. But seems to me that you need to have both integrity and skill to be trustworthy to another with shared values. Even the best surgeon will make mistakes, so we are always “becoming” and others are always evaluating us. The Buddhists talk about right action and right intention, and how to recognize it; I know that talking about having principles does not indicate good character – we know by the fruit, the action. So I’m getting that gauging integrity or skillfullness is a process, not a decision . . we are always showing who we are, and we should not assume we know who someone else is. . . There is no black and white and therefore no easy answer. This is really heavy, Michelle. Way to go.

  5. jennifer Says:

    great question! i am really torn on this issue my husband agrees with Chris but if the surgeon who is dishonest messes up he will never tell you! I have to believe in the honest surgeon because i dont want to give my money to a person or organization that i know is corrupt. i think that i would love to believe that people are out there thinking about doing the right thing, being ethical and honest but that is not always the case. i just feel each and eveyone of us needs to lead by example and send out as much love in everything we do and everyone we come in contact with , hopefully others will catch on.
    Have you ever tried to say hello to everyone you meet everyday for a week? some people get upset, give you dirty looks, or dont say a thing. if we were all more loving to each other this wouldn’t happen and when you build on that idea of everyone loving each other more maybe global wars could be avoided!! something else to contemplate! or i may be the eternal optimist! 🙂

  6. John R. Sedivy Says:

    My preference is character any day. Concerning the best surgeon who lacks integrity, you may not be getting his best on your day of the operation if he/she lacks integrity to do the right thing and practice his skill with integrity in a consistent manner. In my experience practical skills can be taught and are relatively easy when compared to integrity and core values. That being said there are shades of gray, especially given differing cultures throughout the world. For me it has always been about treating others with respect, if I treat others with respect I can feel confident that I have done well by them and acted with integrity.

  7. susanmcginnis Says:

    John’s got it; skill is relative to the demands of the situation, and lesser levels of skill can be fine in the appropriate context. But character isn’t relative. And it shows up in how decisions are made when skills are challenged. So character perhaps isn’t that separate from skill, but maybe is a component of skill.

  8. John R. Sedivy Says:

    Interestingly enough I have found that individuals with high character often have a high degree of professional skill. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, however this is a trend I have found in my studies and interactions in my personal and professional life. High character often drives the desire for a high degree of success and bettering the lives of others and an individual’s community as a whole. For an interesting example check out “The Snowball” which is the biography of Warren Buffett and “American Lion” which is the biography of Andrew Jackson. “Dutch” which is the biography of Ronald Reagan is another fine example.

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